Welcome to MHJA

Our Sponsorship Drive
is still full steam ahead!
Reach out to mhjasponsorships@gmail.com
to submit yours!
Make sure to reach out to your farrier,
workers, vets, tack shops, suppliers, etc!
Every little bit counts!
2025 Membership Drive!
Refer a new member to either circuit -
you and the new member will be entered into a drawing!
Drawings held monthly!
Trophies for the 2024 MHJA
Endless Summer Horse Show

2024 Top Junior Rider Trophy

2024 Top Adult Rider Trophy
Tickets for the raffle at the horse
show are now available.
Win the photo jump donated by
Willow Wind Equine Jumps!
Go to the Raffle link to get your tickets today!
This year's horse show bill can be
found on Horseshowing.com
Help make our 2024 Endless
Summer Horse Show be a success
by becoming a sponsor.
Go to the "Sponsorship Levels"
page for more info and submitting
your donation!
2024 MHJA
Endless Summer
Horse Show
July 26 - 28
WPQHA Show Complex
3670 Harlansburg Road
New Castle, PA
This year we've added a second tent for the spectators. The Dover Saddlery Spectator's Tent will be
set up between the two rings.
This year's Hunter Derby sponsor is
Saxonburg Feed Company.

Reserve your hotel rooms for
the 2024 MHJA show now!!!!
Special rates only available
until June 25!!!
Special hotel room rates are now available for the
MHJA Endless Summer Horse Show.
Go to the "2024 MHJA Horse Show Special Room Rates" page for information.
Reservations must be made by June 25
to receive the special rates!!!
Exciting Info About the New
Expanded MHJA!!!!
Hello and thank you for your interest in new expanded MHJA!!!
Here is some information/explanation of what we hope to accomplish:
What is the “Expansion”?
The MHJA will continue to offer the same circuit for the schooling shows. Nothing will change with the current system. We will continue to sanction shows and members of the “Unrated” circuit will be able to accrue points, in their divisions, for year end awards. The MHJA will also offer a “rated” circuit. Rated shows such as Brave Horse, Chagrin, etc., will be on the calendar for the “rated” circuit. Riders can choose to nominate for “unrated” or “rated” circuit depending on what shows they attend. Horse/rider combinations may not cross-nominate for both circuits. See the Rated Rule book for divisions available for year-end awards.
What shows will count toward the “rated” circuit?
We currently have a commitment from Chagrin Valley Farms for sanctioning for all their horse shows for the 2021/2022 season. Both schooling and Rated
shows at Chagrin will count for points for the “rated” circuit. The MHJA Endless Summer Show and Sewickley Hunt show will be included on BOTH the
“Rated” and “Unrated” calendar. We anticipate getting WEC, Brave Horse, State College and possibly Swan Lake to sanction with us.
We are very committed to promoting the horse business in the area. If there are any other shows we should consider for sanctioning, please let us
Things to note:
The MHJA point system is based on number of entries in the class. It does not give points for champion and/or reserve champion. The point system does not give more weight to any show based on the rating of the show (A, AA, B, etc.).
The MHJA is a member centered organization. That means we listen to our members and make decisions based on what YOU have to say! We like to have fun and promote comradery between barns and members!
There will be ONE year end banquet for both circuits!
What are our goals?
The MHJA is working to start a Junior MHJA. We will have more information coming regarding the kinds of activities and projects they hope to have this year!
We hope to increase our membership! More members mean better year end prizes and more fun!
Please consider joining the MHJA for the 2021/2022 show season! We have a great group of people in charge and are always looking for fun, friendly people to help out!
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Dottie Los
Go to the Karen Davis Memorial Trophy Page
to find out more about
one of the organization's founders.

The Mountaineer Hunter Jumper Association was founded in 1998 to promote riders in the tri-state area (Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio) that show on the local level. Our mission is to instill a foundation for riders to help further their knowledge and involvement in the horse community and promote a healthy approach to competition.
This and That
Some exciting new things are happening with our organization again this year. As promised, we're working to make MHJA bigger and better than ever!
- Don't forget to check the announcements page for MHJA news and the MHJA Horse Show page and Horse Show sponsors page.
Check out the calendar page for upcoming events and sanctioned horse shows.
MHJA has been accepted in the SHOW Program. By collecting proof of purchase seals from Southern States, Legends and Triple Crown feeds, equestrians
can help the organization receive 25 cents for each POP or $10 for each ton. More information can be found on the Announcements/Newsletters
MHJA offers a Trainer Assistance Program for its professional members. The purpose of this program is to help local trainers who encounter a hardship in
which they are unable to operate their business at regular capacity. Examples of hardships would include serious injury/illness or extensive property damage. Applicants would be eligible for
a grant of $1,000. This would be a donation on behalf of the MHJA to the applying trainer and their business as a way of helping them get through their time of need.
The Mountaineer Hunter Jumper Association is a Federal 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization, Federal ID number: 55-0767413. Contributions made to the MHJA are tax deductible per the current tax laws. Contact us regarding any inquiries and for a receipt for your donation(s). Thank you for supporting the MHJA!